650 TJS/ per night
For the most demanding guests in hotel «Khujand Deluxe» fitted with a luxurious Suite, where You can immerse yourself in comfort and elegance, and a unique flavor. The living room has an elegant classic style with leather sofa and coffee table, large window with mountain views and bright bedroom will allow You to relax. Here everything is done to ensure that You could escape from everyday life, relax and recharge, and the hotel «Khujand Deluxe» will make Your life perfect.
Room conveniences
On the guests’ demand: Iron, iron desk, crib (bed for little children).
Personal hygiene
The bathroom is equipped with shower stall, sink, fan for hair and a mirror for comfortable shaving.
Every apartment provides guests with collection of bath towels, dressing gown and sleepers, qualified perfume and necessary toiletry preparation including tooth-paste and tooth-brush.